You will learn all about the basic science of peeps, and also some important facts about peep health. In addition, the Literature Review contains an excellent set of relevant links that will provide you with additional information about related topics that are pertinent to peep lovers of all ages, including important information about.....TWINKIES!
I am very grateful to My Cat Tom for mentioning this incredible website in the comment section of my previous post. And I must again mention the World's Cutest Peep Post which was presented last week by [F]oxymoron because this topic remains timely for those of us who care, for at least the next four or five days or so. 'Tis the season!

Random Bird Picture
Yes. Thank you very much. I am also a walking music encyclopedia.
You are a walking music encyclopedia! Thanks so much for those links - I'll pass them along to the kids in my combo.
I keep reading this as "The Most Awesome PEEP Show Ever!!!" which casts a whole different light on the marshmallowy treats.
Kristin - I know exactly what you're saying, IS a show! And the peeps are the performers.
That link is awesome... I remember somebody casually bringing this up in conversation a few years ago, but being lazy, I never investigated. So thank you :)
I *heart* Twinkies... so thanks for the link. (Peeps are ok.. but Twinkies ROCK!) **WINK
Foxy and Twinkie: You're welcome!
I love "Peep posts"! I've been finding them all over the interwebs :-)
Happy Weekend!
This peep show is legit! Happy Spring!
I think those birds might be vultures. Isn't it nice that I live in a house where vultures hang out?
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