Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow....

Bring it on! I'm ready. The worst snowstorms are the little ones that make the roads slippery and tie up traffic. The best snowstorms are the big ones that pretty much eliminate traffic. I am really looking forward to the quiet that snow always brings. The world always feels so peaceful when there is snow on the ground.

And in honor of tomorrow's weather I hope you'll enjoy this extremely lovely version of "Snowfall" as sung by the Manhattan Transfer.

Thank you, Washington Cube, for suggesting that I go listen to this beautiful arrangement! You have perfect timing.


Bowie Mike said...

Nice! Bring on the hot chocolate!

Cyndy said...

Yeah Mike, drinking hot chocolate is definitely going to be a part of today's activities.

Barbara said...

You definitely got what you wanted. The city is sufficiently paralyzed and probably won't dig out for days. It's great watching it fall.

Cyndy said...

I know everyone is going to be sick of it in another few days, but it's nice being able to rest up for all the inevitable snow shoveling that is coming up. Unfortunately I didn't think of that in the midst of all my "yay it's snowing" enthusiasm. And unfortunately we have two sets of driveways and sidewalks to deal with.

Washington Cube said...

Cyndy: It is pretty, Cyndy, but I too dread the shoveling. My birthday is on Monday, and needless to say it killed off my plans for tomorrow. I have cocoa! I have mini marshmallows! I'm just going to enjoy it. I used to always have snow on my birthday when I was younger.

Cyndy said...

Well Happy Birthday tomorrow! I'm off to do some shovelling now because I have a rehearsal this afternoon that so far has not been cancelled.