Is it just me, or has the process of the leaves changing color been a little more spread out than usual this year? The maple in my neighbor's yard is just now beginning to reach its peak color. It was still green last week, believe it or not.

As you can see below, the trees across the street are completely bare, and have been so for a while.

I'm glad that the fall color has occured in phases this year. It seems to stretch out the time a bit more. So this year at Thanksgiving I won't be asking myself where the fall went. Instead I'll be appreciative that it has lasted for so long.
The weather was dryer than usual during parts of July and August, and I thought that would make the leaves change and fall more quickly. I guess not.
It seemed to me like the colors were more vivid this year. I wonder why?
Y'all should be an official word.
Mike and Barbara - I have no idea what causes the schedule and intensity of the fall leaves. They were definitely good this year. I'm glad I was here to enjoy them. There were a number of years when I spent the fall riding around out west on a bus. You don't see too many leaves from the highway out there.
Tom - it is an official word where I went to school. The time before last, that is.
That would be the penultimate college you attended, yes?
Yes indeed.....y'all.
Back then we used pens in school, and now we use laptops, which are ultimately easier. Sorry, that was kind of sad.
It seemed like we got more yellows and ornages then I remember seeing in the past. Maybe its my memory. Beautiful color in these shots.
Thanks Garrett. I don't think it's your memory I think everything actually WAS more vivid this fall.
Good. Nice to know I havent destroyed too many barin cells. lol cells?!? I take that back!!!
LOL. Thats typical me. I am laughing so hard.
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